Your independent guide to the best entertainment in Cincinnati! This website is operated by a ticket broker.
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We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by The Lion King.
Everyone's favorite Disney musical is returning to the Queen City in June/July 2026, and because tickets for every Lion King Cincinnati performance are on sale now, you and your family can experience it live at Procter & Gamble Hall! Everyone loves this Tony Award-winning adaptation of the 1994 animated classic, from critics who praise its groundbreaking costuming and scenic design to audiences who love its iconic Elton John-penned score and inimitable Disney magic. Which is to say there's sure to be plenty of competition over the best seats in the house!
So make sure you're there to experience it all live with your family this summer, whether that's at a Sunday matinee, a mid-week performance, or 8pm sharp on a Friday night. Check out the schedule below for additional info, and grab your Lion King Cincinnati Tickets right away!
See Lion King live at Procter & Gamble Hall!